Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Freezing Fresh Produce

After purchasing 4 pints of blueberries, I knew my family would not eat them all before they went bad. So I called a friend of mine to ask about freezing. I don't know if every fruit or veggie is freezable but blueberries are and many other produce items are as well. In speaking with her, she told me about this wonderful method of freezing things that prevents them from freezing into one big clump that must be thawed to get the amount you're looking for. She said to freeze the blueberries on a baking sheet in a single layer. After about 1-2 hours they are frozen enough you can place them in a freezer bag with out them sticking together. If a recipe says you need 1 cup of berries you can measure them without taking a hammer to the frozen pile of berries first. What an amazing concept! Well, I froze 2 pints of my blueberries last night and WOW! I now have a tupperware in my freezer of frozen blueberries that don't stick together :) I love that! If I want a smoothie during a ridiculously hot summer afternoon here, I can add some frozen blueberries for some flavor and chill. You can use this method with all kinds of fruits and veggies so they're always ready when you need them. Enjoy :)

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